– The Things to do in Henderson NV

Nevada Henderson Site Founded: So Very Long Ago (20 yrs ago)

Purpose: To Share our Knowlege of this fantastic Family Friendly City

Our Website Address – (URL):

Update 2024 Fall

You are probably here because you want to find things to do in Henderson NV. Things like Events, Activities, Shows… all the same things, but on a somewhat smaller scale than Las Vegas Proper. WE get it. We have learned a lot over the past 20 years and have watched the Growth of Hendrson as a City and a culturally diverse community. There is something for everyone in Henderson NV and it’s a great place to raise a family. Unfortunately like all of the Great Places to live in the United States the price of Family Homes has skyrocketed. But even with the higher prices Henderson offers great value over the course of the next decades. The biggest challenge will be to manage water resources.

We feel there is no need to compete with the Corporate Giants pushing everything Touristy on Vegas Visitors. Did you know Las was purchased by in 2005 for $12 Million CASH and incentives that push far into the future. In fact when the deal completes years from now the Sellers will have collected $90 million dollars? With that kind of money at Stake they need to stay focused on making money all the time. Thankfully we do not have that pressure and are free to write about and say whatever we want.

Over the past several months we have taken an interest in Real Estate, Homes, and the Cost of Living. Why? Because it is on the minds of our visitors. Many people who come to our site are looking to relocate so we have included many new articles that should help you make better decisions on not just “if” you should relocate, but why and to what neighborhoods. Our plan is to continue developing our informational expertise with regard to property and relocation.

We are NOT SPONSORED (But who knows what the future holds we all need to make a living), we do not Sell ads, we do not collect personal information. We will NEVER EMAIL you anything unless it’s a reply to a question you many have. Quite simply we do not care about the hustle required to chase down sponsors. We do work use one Ad Service from Google to offset the costs of running and maintaining a site.

Not a Business… Just Good People

Nevada Henderson is NOT a business… it’s a PROJECT. Everything in Henderson is in continual flux. It’s really tough for one person to keep up. Fortunately I only have to keep up with limited amount of items for this site. And yes I do work on other sites – once they are set up properly it doesn’t take too much of my time.

Our Stated Mission: To create content that readers actually want to read and will value for the Henderson, NV community.

If you have questions you may send us email via the “Contact” Tab.  Emails are generally responded to within 24 hours excluding weekends. Generally is not a fixed rule however.

I also helped set up and consult on Untamed Austin take a look. I am also the primary contributor (Yeah I almost all of the work) on Kids in Vegas.